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The light weight heat treated B-grade bulletproof steel was developed through composition design and optimization based on multiplex alloying, multiplex micro-alloying design ideas and complex phase structure strengthening theory. The puzzle how to avoid the quenching deformation problem of super high strength thin sheet was solved through heat treatment in a die with a set of cooling system. Such B-grade bulletproof steel plate has fine tempered lath martensite structure. The shooting and certification test results showed that the shoot resistance of B- grade bulletproof steel plate can meet the protection demand of Protection specification for cash carrying vehicles (GA 164--2005). In comparison with B-grade bulletproof steel plate made by one of the companies in Sweden, the weight of the developed B-grade bulletproof steel plate can be decreased by 8 % under the same shoot resistance condition. It will be meaningful for cash truck and anti-hijacking vehicle to realize light weight, energy conservation and emission reduction.  相似文献   
The process characteristics of heat treatment of aluminum alloy auto body sheet and the working principle of air cushion furnace were introduced. The process position and irreplaceable role of air cushion furnace in the aluminum alloy auto body sheet production was pointed out after the difficulty and key points in the whole production process of auto body sheet were studied. Then the development process of air cushion furnace line of aluminum alloy sheet was reviewed, summarized and divided to two stages. Based on the research of air cushion furnace, the key technology of it was analyzed, then the key points on process, equipment and control models of air cushion furnace for aluminum alloy auto body sheet in future were put forward. With the rapid development of automotive industry, there will be certainly a new upsurge of research and application of air cushion furnace for heat treatment of aluminum alloy auto body sheet.  相似文献   
种植密度与施氮量对宁夏玉米产量和氮肥肥效的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为实现玉米超高产,在宁夏引黄灌区,以先玉335为材料,选择种植密度(x1)和施氮量(x2)为调控因子,采用二因子正交旋转组合设计,对不同种植密度和施氮水平下玉米产量和氮素肥效进行了研究.结果表明,收获穗、穗粒数、百粒质量和空杆率达到1%的极显著水平,秃尖长达到5%的显著水平.玉米产量与种植密度、施氮量二因素的回归模型Y=14 431.2+1 109.2 X1+2 104.3 X2-36.1 X1X2-1 334.0 X12-1 022.6 X22(R=0.967 8),回归项检验达到极显著水平,失拟项检验不显著,即模型的预测值与实际值吻合很好.先玉335最佳种植密度X1=9.10万株/hm2、最佳施氮量X2=398.0kg/hm2,玉米最高产量Ymax=15 729.24kg/hm2.对当地玉米高产栽培具有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   
在信道估计中,传统的基于DFT的信道估计算法复杂度低于MMSE算法,性能要优于LS算法.但由于传统算法单纯地将所有样点认为是有用信道冲激响应,忽略了噪声的影响.提出了一种基于2次噪声估计原理的改进算法,算法首先利用循环前缀长度以外的序列点估算出噪声方差,再利用估算出的噪声方差将循环前缀长度以内的噪声样点区别开,利用新的噪声样点进行2次噪声估计得到门限值,从而对信道时域冲激响应进行阈值滤波,进一步消除噪声对系统的影响.仿真结果表明,改进后的算法性能优于传统算法.  相似文献   
针对一阶滑模观测器(F-SMO)存在的抖振和相位延迟问题,提出了基于二阶滑模观测器(S-SMO)的线反电势(LBEMF)估计策略,将不连续控制作用在滑模变量的高阶微分上,采用超螺旋算法设计控制率,能较好地削弱抖振,得到连续光滑且无滞后的反电势估计值.针对相反电势法存在的相移问题,采用线反电势过零点直接作为换相点的换相策略.仿真和实验结果表明,所提策略能够准确估计无刷直流电机线反电势,获得准确的转子位置换相点,实现无刷直流电机的无位置传感器控制.  相似文献   
采用青少年病理性互联网使用量表(APIUS)和多伦多述情障碍量表(TAS-20)研究工具,对随机抽取的大学生进行团体施测,以研究病态使用因特网症(PIU)大学生述情障碍的主要特征及PIU与述情障碍之间的关系,提出以情绪训练为导向的团体辅导方案。研究发现:PIU群体述情障碍得分显著高于非PIU群体;PIU群体中男生的外向性思维得分平均高于女生得分;PIU与述情障碍存在显著正相关。  相似文献   
高光谱遥感图像异常检测即是对遥感图像中与背景存在显著光谱差异的像元进行识别,它在灾害预测和环境监测等领域具有很大应用价值.异常检测受到遥感学界的普遍重视,这些年来对异常检测开展的研究取得了不少成果.高光谱图像异常检测研究最初基于传统数据处理和信号分析方法,随着高光谱图像数据处理研究的深入及数据挖掘技术和智能学习方法等相关技术的发展,现在呈现智能和联合处理的新方向.文章对异常检测算法近来的研究进展进行的介绍以期为异常检测的相关研究提供一定参考.  相似文献   
通过在农牧交错带河北省张家口市坝上高原康保牧场野外调查研究,采用标桩法测定土壤风蚀厚度,计算土壤年风蚀量,采用目测法测定样地植被盖度.将该地生态建设初期与生态建设10年后的土壤风蚀量作对比.结果表明:生态建设十年后土壤风蚀量比生态建设初期土壤风蚀量明显减少,植被盖度明显增加.并提出巩固生态工程建设成果的若干建议.  相似文献   
ID-based constant-round group key agreement protocols are efficient in both computation and communication, but previous protocols did not provide valid message authentication. An improvement based on attack analysis is proposed in this paper. The improved method takes full advantage of the data transmitted at various stages of the protocol. By guaranteeing the freshness of authentication messages, the authenticity of the generator of authentication messages, and the completeness of the authenticator, the improved protocol can resist various passive and active attacks. The forward secrecy of the improved protocol is proved under a Katz-Yung (KY) model. Compared with existing methods, the improved protocol is more effective and applicable.  相似文献   
以清代中国著名的铜矿生产地东川府会泽县为个案,以山陕会馆碑刻资料为中心,对云南铜矿区的商业进行考察。乾嘉时期,云南铜矿工业发展兴旺,带动了商业的繁荣,此时著名的山陕商帮进入东川府会泽县铜矿区开展专业化商业活动,经营形成了一定规模,以抽厘、认捐方式筹集修建会馆、置办会馆产业。山陕商人的建设以及经营活动反映出东川府会泽县以及整个云南铜矿区商业发展具有阶段性繁荣、商品结构不平衡、商业阶层以内地商人为主的特点。  相似文献   
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